LOL most of these look retarded. Top and bottom left are okay. I will never criticise facial animation again, this shit is HARD.
Conclusion - more extreme expressions are hard to do with no controllers on the face. Slight subtle changes work much better. Also, I didn't put enough polygons into her face to give her eyebrows enough expression. My polygon distribution in general is pretty terrible, must get better.
Oooo I like this a lot! Especially the top middle one. Secret apprentice indeed! XD
yep, its definitely the topology that's causing the problems with lack of expression/retarded look.
But hey, you wouldn't find all that out unless you tried it out so good for you. Play around with the facial topo and have another go at expressions... cos atm, she's freaking me out
Yeah, I did this kind of thing myself, and found that it really shows up topology.
I was told an old trick by a veteran animator once though, and it did come in handy.
By creating the basic mouth shapes for speech (a/e/i/o/u/ s's) You can tell whether your overall topology can support animation. Remember that there are tiny fluctuations in peoples muscles as they talk and express...incorporate this into blend maps.
Something I realised was how much a persons nose moves when they express. It is good to play around!
Mike, you must be so proud :)
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