Monday, 14 March 2011

The Wise Mentor

Current work-in-progress images of my 3rd FMP character. Used Sammo Hung images for references.


Michael Powell said...

Sammo Hung? Surely you mean Kim Jong Il?

Slaney said...

Your breaking my balls Hans...I think he needs slightly bigger ear lobes.

And Hotsumi hair! That's authentic wise mentor badass right there.

Mike, don't you think that it's funny that Gaddafi already looks like he is made of latex? Maybe he was angling for a part...

Chenz said...

@ Mike: Heh, actually I thought he looked more like Mao Zhedong :P.

@ Slaney: Thanks! Just posted a new pic, made his ears look a bit bigger... are they bigger now?

Slaney said...

I'd still go for some more lobe. Liking the materials on his outfit!

Chenz said...

Thanks! Ok, will fix that.

Michael Powell said...

yes chairman mao!