Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Armless Shepard with some texturing so far

Current texturing stage. Lost his bloody arms cos an old Zbrush file ate it.


Will add new ones soon.


Blair said...

Not sure if its my screen, but his eyes are piercingly white!
Jeans look great 8D

Chenz said...

Wow really? I'll tone his eyes down a bit then. They look ok-ish on my screen but my laptop's colours are probably a bit different XD. Cheers!

Slaney said...

Looks a little Uncharted now. Not a bad thing, but he needs a little something, a dash of colour somewhere. Even if it is something like a manufacturers logo on his pouch...

Can't wait to see this develop, you Lady's work is very good indeed!

Michael Powell said...

would like to see him look a little more 'lived in'... your (and B's) characters are all a bit smooth and young.

Not that I'm jealous of the smooth young look, oh no not one bit

Hello Slaney!

Chenz said...

@ Slaney: Thanks! Yeah his colours look a bit dull at the moment, I've just added some red for his under shirt. I think I might add some pockets too.

@ Michael: Oh yeah, this is just his flat diffuse. I've added the normal map to his face in the link below and he's got more wrinkles. Does that make him look more like 35? (ignore the red marks)

Chenz said...

Hmmn that link doesn't work, try this

Slaney said...

I know what Mike means, he needs a bit of wear. If he is an action man, he should have some action damage. Not whacking great scars, but some weathering. Larger pores on his nose for instance. Maybe some fine, loose eye wrinkles?

Ahoy-hoy Mike, what's up. Give me an invite to your blog, I understand that with membership comes access to the country club bar?